Art Hushen, CPD, FCP
Art Hushen is the President/Owner of the National Institute of Crime Prevention (NICP, Inc.), a global training and consulting company specializing in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. (CPTED) Prior to the creation of NICP, Inc., Art was assigned to the Tampa Police Department’s Special Operations Bureau / CPTED Section. Art also completed the City of Tampa’s Downtown Security Guideline requirements under the Mayor of Tampa’s Downtown Initiative. He implemented CPTED strategies into security and design reviews of commercial buildings, schools, multi-family housing, and residential communities. He has conducted numerous CPTED site reviews and security surveys for the City of Tampa as well as for the National Institute of Crime Prevention.
As President of NICP, Inc. he continues a similar process of implementing CPTED concepts and strategies at a national level through training programs and consulting with various government, private sector, and nonprofit groups. Art received his Crime Prevention Practitioner Certification and CPTED Designation through the Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute where he assisted in the creation of the Advanced CPTED program, the State standards for the CPTED Designation, Critical Infrastructure and CPTED, Making Schools Safe by Design program, CPTED for Hospitals, and Lighting for Safety He is the lead CPTED instructor for the Florida Attorney General’s Office specializing in Basic & Advanced CPTED, and Advanced CPTED Topics. Art is also an instructor for the American Crime Prevention Institute and D-PREP, LLC specializing in Basic and Advanced CPTED. Art holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology from the University of South Florida.